Star Tyrepower
Outside of a Tyrepower store, looking at side of red, blue and white painted building.

Trailer / Caravan Tyres and Accessories

Tyres for towing applications vary wildly, from design and function, to tyres you might want on your tow vehicle.

Tyres that are purpose-designed for trailers and caravans don’t require as much grip fore and aft, but tyres designed for trailers have got to have outstanding side-to-side stability. An unstable trailer can potentially be a major safety issue.

Star Tyrepower are your local trailer and caravan experts. We understand the nuances of towing, and have the product experience to recommend and fit tyres to meet your expectations.

If you’re getting your caravan ready for a road trip, bring it to us.

Call Star Tyrepower today on your local store number.

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For more information about Trailer / Caravan Tyres and Accessories at Star Tyrepower, call us directly on your local store number or use the form to send us a message.

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